
Conference Programme

In the Main Auditorium and online

Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish

Duration approximately 90 minutes

Plenary Sessions

  • 5 Feb · 15:00 · Opening: Our Earth, our Future

    Original language: English  |  Book ticket

    A conversation with Naglaa Ahmed, Swati Renduchintala, Ercilia Sahores, and Thoraya Seada

    Four individuals share their experiences in advancing sustainable agriculture and food systems. Swati Renduchintala, a scientist at World Agroforestry, contributes her expertise in Indian agroecology. Ercilia Sahores from Argentina, Director of the Organic Consumers Association in Mexico, offers insights into her extensive work in building global alliances for sustainable agriculture. Naglaa Ahmed and Thoraya Seada (EBDA/SEKEM) demonstrate how sustainable agriculture can thrive in desert conditions. The EBDA and the SEKEM initiative were honored in 2024 with the Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity, recognizing their tireless commitment to ecological sustainability and improving living conditions for Egyptian farmers.

  • 5 Feb · 17:00 · The Seven Life Processes

    Original language: Germah  |  Buy ticket

    David Martin

    Together with Univ.-Prof. Dr. David Martin, we explore Rudolf Steiner's seven life processes: breathing, warming, nourishing, individualizing, sustaining, growing, and reproducing. These processes are present in every living organism and are interconnected with Rudolf Steiner's concept of the twelve senses, through which we experience the world. How do the interactions of the seven life processes manifest? And to what extent do they help us understand the Earth as a living entity?

    Univ.-Prof. Dr. David Martin is a specialist in pediatrics, pediatric hematology and oncology, diabetology, and endocrinology. He serves as a senior physician at the anthroposophic Filderklinik near Stuttgart and holds the Chair for Medical Theory, Integrative, and Anthroposophic Medicine at the University of Witten/Herdecke.

  • 5 Feb · 20:00 · The Earth as a Living Being

    Original language: German  |  Buy ticket

    Mechtild Oltmann

    The idea of viewing the Earth as a living being is deeply rooted in anthroposophy. Mechthild Oltmann, a priest of the Christengemeinschaft, illustrates how this perspective emerged and what it can contribute to our contemporary approach to caring for the planet.

  • 6 Feb · 08:30 · Michael Letter: Feeling the Earth as a Living Being

    Original language: English  |  Buy ticket

    Eduardo Rincon, Monique Macfarlane

    Based on the Michael Letter “Michaels Task in the Sphere of Ahriman”, Monique Macfarlane, a biodynamic farmer from New Zealand, and Eduardo Rincón, co-leader of the Section for Agriculture, explore how we can experience the Earth as a living being.

    Afterwards, an exercise is offered in which we individualize the content we have heard. This exercise is based on the seven life and learning processes and provides an opportunity to experience them in a practical way. The exercise is led by Benno Otter and Hans Supenkämper and lasts approximately 15 minutes.

    Monique Macfarlane

    As a holistic food systems facilitator, Monique Macfarlane of Natural Wisdom offers a variety of workshops, including biodynamics, planting by the moon, no-dig food growing, seasonal approaches to gardening, and self-sufficiency. She works on an eight-hectare property in Waihi, New Zealand, where she integrates biodynamic, organic, regenerative, no-till, and natural farming principles. She is an EatNZ Kaitaki, contributes a monthly cosmic planting and gardening guide to the Soil & Health Association, and finds her greatest joy in reconnecting people with the land and themselves.

  • 6 Feb · 17:00 · Indigenous Wisdom and the Future of Agriculture

    Original language: English  |  Buy ticket

    A conversation with Feya Marince, Anthoniselvi Savarimuthu, Diego Porras, and Maria Widiyanto

    “Indigenous cultures show us what life truly means,” emphasizes Feya Marince, co-founder of the Indigenous Biodynamic Association of Africa. While industrial agriculture severed the connection to the Earth, indigenous cultures have preserved it. They view the Earth as a living being, not merely a resource. Biodynamic agriculture shares this perspective. In this discussion, Pereri King, a practitioner of the Māori healing tradition, Rongoā, Anthoniselvi Savarimuthu, a biodynamic farmer and educator from India, and other guests share their experiences and traditions.

    Feya Marince

    Feya Marince is a co-founder and board member of the Indigenous Biodynamic Association of Africa (IBAA) and member of the Training of Trainers (TOT) group in Africa. She is empowering communities in biodynamic farming and a professional nurse practitioner from South Africa passionate about nutrition, health and well-being.

    Anthoniselvi Savarimuthu

    Anthoniselvi, from Tamil Nadu’s Kadavur Valley, holds a diploma in Organic and Biodynamic Agriculture and a degree in English Literature. She has furthered her expertise through courses in Biodynamic practices, Nutrition, Biodynamic Food Quality, and Animal Health at the Goetheanum. With over a decade of experience, she’s worked in BD Preparation Making, Organic Milk Production, Agriculture Extension, and Solid Waste Management. As an active member of the Biodynamic Association of India, she trains farming groups across Asia, participates in IFOAM Asia’s Youth Forum.

    Diego Fernando Porras Marulanda 

    Diego, born in Colombia to a family of coffee farmers, has worked extensively with indigenous groups across the Americas, including the Maya Quiché (Guatemala), Quechua (Bolivia), Nasakiwe and Arhuacos (Colombia), and Tseltal, Tsotsil, and Nahuatl (Mexico). Now based in Mexico, he is a sustainable agroecological specialty coffee producer, supporting small-scale indigenous farmers as they transition from local agriculture to global markets. He holds degrees in Industrial Engineering from Colombia and Social Anthropology from Mexico. Active in the cooperative movement in Canada, Diego has contributed to social entrepreneurship, organic production, Fairtrade, and solidarity programs. He leads Finca Sol Nocturno Coffee, linking sustainable Mexican coffee production with conscious consumers in Germany, and is a member of "Impulso Biodinámico," promoting biodynamic farming in Mexico. His work emphasizes respect for the Earth and its people through innovative business models inspired by indigenous values.  

    Etha Widiyanto

    Etha Widiyanto, an architect and activist, is the secretary and co-founder of the Biodynamic Association of Indonesia (2024). Her long-standing passion and dedication to environmental sustainability have inspired her to co-create and actively participate in many ongoing community movements: Clean Bali Series (2006), an educational group that publishes children’s environmental books; Iyam Sustainable (2021), a permaculture movement focused on job security and food sovereignty; Biodynamic Bali (2021), a biodynamic agriculture community; Bibit Pusaka Bali (2022), a women farmers' community dedicated to the cultivation and preservation of native seeds in Bali; Festival Wariga (2022), an annual permaculture course and festival; and her most recent endeavor, joining the 2024 Asian Biodynamic Advisory Training Program.

  • 6 Feb · 20:00 · Eurythmy: Worlds of Becoming – Stages of Life

    Buy ticket

    Goetheanum Eurythmy Ensemble

    The eurythmy program “Werdewelten” (Worlds of Becoming) invites audiences to an artistic experience of the seven life processes as described by Rudolf Steiner. These life processes – breathing, warming, nourishing, processing, sustaining, growing, and new creation – form the foundation for understanding the living in its entirety. In this program, we ask: how can these universal qualities, present in all living beings, be made visible and tangible through the languages of movement, music, and poetry?

    The Goetheanum Eurythmy Stage Ensemble has developed a finely crafted composition of texts and musical pieces that enter into a profound dialogue with one another. The selected works include compositions by Maurice Ravel, Edvard Grieg, and Peteris Vasks, whose musical depth and emotional resonance touch the spheres of the living. The program is further enriched by the moving poetry of Rose Ausländer and Octavio Paz, whose words open new perspectives on the essence of life.

    About the Ensemble

    The Goetheanum Eurythmy Ensemble is the oldest and one of the few permanent large professional ensembles for eurythmy in the world. It is led by a four-member leadership team. 

    Together with five other eurythmists, they form the Goetheanum Eurythmy Ensemble. Each year, a main program is rehearsed; other programs are geared towards the conference activities at the Goetheanum. 

    Additionally, productions are performed in venues such as kindergartens, schools, and social institutions. The responsibilities of the Goetheanum Eurythmy Ensemble also include large-scale projects such as Rudolf Steiner's Mystery Dramas, Johann Wolfgang Goethe's "Faust," and Richard Wagner's "Parsifal."

  • 7 Feb · 08:30 · Michael Letter: Thinking the Earth as a Living Being

    Original language: German  |  Buy ticket

    Ueli Hurter, Matthias Rang

    Based on the Michael Letter "Michael’s Task in the Sphere of Ahriman", Bruno Follador, a biodynamic farmer from Brazil, and Ueli Hurter, co-leader of the Section for Agriculture, explore how we can conceive of the Earth as a living being.

    Afterwards, an exercise is offered in which we individualize the content we have heard. This exercise is based on the seven life and learning processes and provides an opportunity to experience them in a practical way. The exercise is led by Benno Otter and Hans Supenkämper and lasts approximately 15 minutes.

  • 7 Feb · 17:00 · Working with Life in Agriculture, Medicine, and Pedagogy

    Original language: English  |  Buy ticket

    A conversation with Berni Courts, Martin Günther Sterner, Tobias Hartkemeyer, Ruben Segers, and Antoinette Simonart

    This transdisciplinary conversation brings together integrative medicine, education, and sustainable agriculture. Experts from various fields share their experiences to open new perspectives for a holistic approach to health, education, and agricultural practices. Participants include Berni Courts, researcher at the Ruskin Mill Trust, Dr. Martin-Günther Sterner, specialist in internal medicine and gastroenterology, Tobias Hartkemeyer, farmer, teacher, and co-founder of the CSA farm Pente, as well as Ruben Segers and Antoinette Simonart, who run the biodynamic farm De Kollebloem in Belgium.

  • 8 Feb · 08:30 · Michael Letter: Awakening the Will for the Earth as a Living Being

    Original language: English  | Buy ticket

    Jasmin Peschke, Chik Ying Chai

    Based on the Michael Letter "Michael’s Task in the Sphere of Ahriman", Chick Ying Chai, a biodynamic gardener, artist, and researcher from Malaysia, and Jasmin Peschke, head of the Department of Nutrition at the Section for Agriculture, explore what we can contribute to the positive development of the Earth as a living being.

    Afterwards, an exercise is offered in which we individualize the content we have heard. This exercise is based on the seven life and learning processes and provides an opportunity to experience them in a practical way. The exercise is led by Benno Otter and Hans Supenkämper and lasts approximately 15 minutes.

    Chik Ying Chai 

    Chik Ying is a biodynamic gardener, artist and researcher. She has been actively working on connecting people with self, others and nature through arts, inner work, nutrition and educational community events. 

  • 8 Feb · 16:15 · Let’s Create Spaces for Life!

    Original language: English  |  Buy ticket

    Ueli Hurter, Eduardo Rincon

6, 7, and 8 February   |  10:45 to 12:30

In the 3-day morning workshops, the conference topic is explored in greater depth, with a focus on working with the seven life processes. Most workshops are offered in two languages.

Workshops in the Morning

  • 01 · The seven life processes in agriculture and medicine

    Deutsch, English | Terrassensaal

    Martin von Mackensen, David Martin

    In this workshop, we dedicate ourselves to an interdisciplinary examination of Rudolf Steiner's seven life processes in biodynamic agriculture and anthroposophical medicine.

  • 02 · Mensch und Erde als zusammengehörende Wesen

    Deutsch | Seminarraum

    Aurora und Markus Mächler

    In dieser Arbeitsgruppe wollen wir eine gemütsvolle Beziehung und ein seelisches Erleben suchen zu den feinen Kräften, die durch uns und mit uns die Natur gestalten.

    1. Tag: Vom Baum des Lebens und vom Baum der Erkenntnis. Die prozessualen Umstülpungen der menschlichen und pflanzlichen Organprozesse.

    2. Tag: Der irdische und der kosmische Ernährungsstrom. Der Seelenraum und die Begegnung der Schöpfer mit den Geschöpfen.

    3. Tag: Die biologisch-dynamischen Präparatesubstanzen als Urbilder der planetarischen Lebensprozesse. Anhand von Bildern von Aurora Mächler.

  • 03 · The seven life processes as an inspiration for value chains with biodynamic vegetables · NL

    Deutsch, English, Nederlands | Schweizer Landesgesellschaft

    Ulrich Quendt, Theo Boon

    The concept of agriculture as an organism and a cycle has sparked the initiative within biodynamic farming to preserve and breed vegetable and grain varieties based on biodynamic practices. Additionally, there has been an increasing awareness that plants resulting from highly mechanized breeding processes are no longer suitable as the foundation for food production. The qualitative differences among various seed origins can be demonstrated through image-forming methods (Meischner et al. in *Lebendige Erde*, 5/2023), and can also be directly perceived and experienced through taste and inner sensation during tasting.

    For the past 40 years, there have been professionally oriented activities, initially focused on seed preservation and later on breeding new varieties grounded in biodynamic practices. Today, biodynamically bred vegetable varieties are available for many species in commercial vegetable farming. However, despite the availability of these varieties and an understanding of their quality, conventional breeding techniques continue to advance, and many varieties used in vegetable farming for an anonymous market still do not meet the desired inner quality values or align with the fundamental principles of biodynamic agriculture and its associated view of humanity.

    What causes this discrepancy? How can we bridge this gap and fully embrace biodynamic farming from the outset? To address these questions, we are working in a group consisting of producers, traders, and consumers to explore opportunities that each of us can implement individually, as well as approaches we can pursue collectively as a community engaged in biodynamic practices. The question of which varieties to use and their breeding approaches is also connected to the seven life processes and how we, as humans, can position ourselves in the world.

    De zeven levensprocessen als inspiratiebron voor het bouwen van waarde ketens met biodynamisch geteelde groenten

    Met de visie op de landbouw als organisme en cyclus heeft de biodynamische landbouw de aanzet gegeven tot het behoud en de veredeling van groenten en granen op basis van de biodynamische gezichtspunten. 

    Daarnaast hebben we uit ervaring moeten vaststellen dat planten uit meer technische veredeling niet meer geschikt zijn als basis voor de productie van vitaal voedsel. Kwalitatieve verschillen tussen de diverse herkomstvariëteiten kunnen worden aangetoond met behulp van beeldvormende methoden (Meischner et al. in Lebendige Erde, 5/2023), maar kunnen ook direct worden ervaren door middel van smaak en innerlijk ervaren door middel van proeven. 

    Er zijn al 40 jaar professionele initiatieven, aanvankelijk op het gebied van rassenbehoud en daar op voortbouwend op het gebied van nieuwe veredeling op basis van biodynamische landbouw. Voor veel soorten zijn inmiddels biologisch-dynamisch veredelde groentevariëteiten beschikbaar voor de commerciële groenteteelt. 

    Hoewel de rassen nu beschikbaar zijn en er een kwalitatief inzicht in is en bovendien de technische richting in de conventionele veredeling zich blijft ontwikkelen, worden er, vooral in de groenteteelt, nog steeds veel rassen gebruikt voor een anonieme markt, die niet overeenkomen met de gewenste innerlijke kwaliteit en waarden.  

    Om een beter begrip van de levensprocessen ‘ademen, opwarmen, voeding’ te krijgen, gaan we op de eerste dag met een smaaktest wortelen proeven. Op de tweede dag zullen we ‘verteren’ en bespreken wat we hebben ervaren met huidige onderzoeksresultaten op het gebied van verbeterde voedselkwaliteit. Op de derde dag gaan we in op de vraag Hoe we het biodynamische kwaliteitsbewustzijn en de biologisch geteelde groenten die in de eerste twee dagen zijn ontwikkeld, omzetten in ‘conservering, groei en voortplanting’. Hoe kunnen we de zaadvaste rassen met goede kwaliteit in de markt aanbieden en verkopen? Hiervoor zoeken we samen in de werkgroep bestaande uit producenten, retailers en consumenten naar mogelijkheden.

  • 04 · Seeds at the intersection of genetic engineering, hybrid breeding, and biodynamics

    Deutsch, English | Holzhaus Links

    Christina Henatsch, Jörg Hütter, Jenifer Wohlers

    Against the background of the imminent authorisation of new genetic engineering techniques in Europe and the widespread use of hybrid vegetable seeds, including on biodynamic farms, we would like to use this course to demonstrate that we can make a decisive contribution to the appropriate nutrition of humans in the sense of anthroposophy by breeding and cultivating open pollinated, biodynamic varieties. 

    However, such varieties can not only make a contribution to human nutrition, but also to the soil on which they grow. 

    We want to explore these aspects through short impulses followed by discussions, tastings, presentations of comparative results and special breeding methods. 

    We will refer to the seven life processes that can be visualised in breeding and nutrition.

  • 05 · The seven life processes of the honeybees: Future cooperation in social life

    Deutsch, English | Glashaus Mittelraum

    Rainer Monnet, Johannes Wirz


    Honeybees reveal the seven life processes in an archetypal way. They are the foundation of harmony, beauty, and resilience in the hive – from the swarming process and comb construction to how bees care for their brood and store honey and pollen. 

    It is not surprising that Rudolf Steiner described the life of a bee colony as a metaphor for future social organization. We will try to unravel what values can be derived from the behavior of the bees. In particular, we aspire to take initial steps toward understanding power and decision-making as demonstrated by the bees – in enterprises, biodynamic contexts, and pedagogical and socio-pedagogical institutions.

  • 06 · The understanding of life processes as the key to humus formation

    Deutsch, English | AfaP Kursraum 1

    Marius Hörner

    Agriculture today exists in the tension between constructive and destructive life processes. Particularly the questions surrounding soil fertility, which Rudolf Steiner referred to a hundred years ago as the enlivening of the earth, are more relevant today than ever. The central question is: How can soil-building processes be strengthened, and how can destructive processes be recognized, avoided, or designed in a way that ultimately serves the constructive processes? 

    Unlike a hundred years ago, we now have refined scientific methods that allow us to better understand at least the basic concepts of Steiner’s Agriculture Course. It is primarily the results, not the theories, of today’s science that contribute to making certain statements from the Agriculture Course comprehensible. These scientific insights can help develop a deeper understanding of the relationships within the soil.

    These considerations form the starting point for the work of the group on soil fertility, whose goal is to research and further develop soil processes in the spirit of Steiner's approaches.

  • 07 · Die Lebendige Erde - Leib des Christus

    Deutsch | Nordatelier

    Mechtild Oltmann, Veit Zschiesche

    Die kosmische Wesenheit, die wir in unserem Kulturzusammenhang Christus nennen, hat sich nach Tod und Auferstehung mit der gesamten Erde verbunden und sie zu ihrem Wirkungsort, zu ihrer eigenen Leiblichkeit gemacht. 

    Er ist der Geist der Erde, sowohl in ihrer mineralischen Gestalt als auch in ihrer lebendigen Pflanzenwelt, der beseelten Tierwelt und dem selbstbewussten Menschen. Alle menschliche Arbeit an der Erde kann so zu einer Zusammenarbeit mit ihm für die Erdenzukunft werden.

  • 08 · I am because you are: Forming substance together with the Earth

    Deutsch, English | Ostsaal 4

    Simone Helmle, Michael Werner

    The Earth supports our existence; it endures everything we do to it, and it now shows us unmistakably when it has had enough. Yet we humans can learn to live and work in dialogue with the Earth. The search for a new and appropriate coexistence is one of the foundations of biodynamic agriculture. If we engage in this process, nature will become newly, intensely, and directly tangible to us. By turning toward the Earth and meeting it as a partner, it breathes with us and supports us with all it can offer. The Earth has the power to touch us, to co-create substance with us that extends far beyond our own farm.

    With this workshop, we invite you to consciously engage with the dynamic organism Earth through the seven learning and life processes. We aim to awaken a longing for a loving and sincere connection to the Earth. Sometimes the planet seems abstract, vast, and untamable, and in the next moment, approachable, delicate, and receptive. From this tension, we ask: What does the experience of the Earth have to do with our mental state? Together, we want to explore how our own actions, through breath, light, and warmth, nourish the relationship and open a space that can be individually grasped. From this space, substance and creativity may arise for a dialogue with the Earth – a mutual "I am because you are."

    Using small excerpts from the agricultural course and the latest Michael Letter, we invite you to engage in discussions and movements that delve into these questions. Through this, we can vividly experience the many transitions between light and shadow, warmth and coolness, fluidity and solidity, mental clarity and fog, inside and outside, focus and perspective, nearness and distance. Specific sounds (vowels and consonants) offer dynamic opportunities to explore and enter into a dialogue with the life processes of nature.

  • 09 · Managing farms with common goods

    Deutsch, English | AfaP Saal

    Sebastian Bauer, Christian Hiss, Sebastiaan Huisman

    The way farming operations are managed causes either negative or positive effects on ecosystems and common goods. In recent years, the focus has been primarily on evaluating and assessing the negative external effects, but the management approach also affects the ecosystem services used internally by the business and its long-term productivity. 

    What is the relationship between a farm's management practices and its own ecological, social, and regional economic development, as well as its surrounding environment? And how can the farm's contributions to protecting common goods and preserving ecosystem services be made visible, communicated, and rewarded?

  • 10 · Ecosystem services and the Economy of Love: Scaling biodynamic agriculture

    English  | Holzhaus Rechts

    Naglaa Ahmed, Buthaina Elhoseiny, Aya Mamdouh, Thoraya Seada

    This workshop focuses on ecosystem services and the Economy of Love as a guide for scaling biodynamic and sustainable agriculture. We will gain practical insight into the connection between biodynamic methods and regenerative economic models. 

    The discussion highlights how the Economy of Love supports farmers in the Global South in measuring, improving, and monetizing the ecological and social contributions of their farms—ranging from carbon sequestration, methane avoidance, and biodiversity to the measurement of societal contributions through biodynamic farms. 

    Through interactive group work and concrete examples, we learn how to analyze the potential of our farms and purposefully increase the provision of ecosystem services.

  • 11 · The documentary "Regenerating Life" and the seven life processes

    Deutsch, English | English Studies I

    John Feldman, Rachel Schneider, Steffen Schneider

    The documentary "Regenerating Life" views the Earth as a living entity whose metabolism has been radically disturbed by human actions. Yet, we humans are not an alien force wreaking havoc; we are a part of and dependent on the very biosphere we are damaging. By perceiving the Earth as a being, much like ourselves, we can apply our understanding of our own life processes to the living Earth and begin the journey toward healing.

    The aim of the workshop is to use Rudolf Steiner’s seven life processes as interconnected lenses to examine the living Earth, as presented in the documentary.

    The film is divided into three parts, each about 45 minutes long. Each workshop session, lasting 1 hour and 30 minutes, will begin by viewing one part of the film, followed by reflection through journaling, dialogue walks, small group discussions, and plenary sessions. In these sessions, we will use the lens of the seven life processes to explore three key questions: Can we observe which of the seven life processes are predominant in each part of the film? Can we discern what has upset the balance of these processes? What can be done to restore balance?

    Part 1: Water Cools the Planet. Just as our bodies are cooled by water, so the Earth cools – and warms – itself through the flow of water. All seven life processes will be used to understand this dynamic system of temperature regulation.

    Part 2: Life Sustains the Climate. This section examines how life sustains itself through the continuous cycling of chemical elements while harnessing energy from the sun, using it, and then releasing it as heat—just as we do. Again, we will explore the seven life processes to understand Life on Earth.

    Part 3: Small Farms Feed the World. This part focuses on agriculture and the farm as a living system. It contrasts industrial agriculture, which contributes significantly to the Earth’s distress, with ecological agriculture. The same method is used as in the first two sessions: identifying the life processes on the farm, determining what has gone wrong, and exploring how agriculture can restore balance.

    The documentary "Regenerating Life" asks the viewer to "look at the same old stuff" in a new way – an ecological way. This shift in perspective can help us understand and heal the Earth. By using Rudolf Steiner’s more detailed and nuanced seven life processes as an additional lens, these three workshops take the learning and healing process a step further.

  • 12 · Encounter with the Agricultural Individuality

    Deutsch, English | Halde Atelier

    Benno Otter, Hans Supenkämper

    How can the individual I-being of a farm be perceived, recognized, and experienced?

    In this workshop, we want to encounter the agricultural individuality and get to know it more deeply through a meditative-creative learning process that builds on the seven life processes.

  • 13 · La muerte es parte de la vida

    Deutsch, Español | Schreinerei Backofen

    Regina Haller, Walter Stappung

    En este workshop trataremos el tema Faena/Sacrificio. Hacemos observaciones sobre la muerte de los animales en la naturaleza, y durante la faena responsable. También queremos integrar perspectivas de culturas no europeas.

  • 14 · Nature’s etheric body: The farm individuality within a healthy watershed

    Deutsch, English | Ostsaal 3

    Liron Israely, Katharina Serafimova

    Step into an exploration of the farm as a living individuality within the dynamic flow of its watershed. Together, we will explore the seven life processes—breathing, warming, nourishing, secreting, maintaining, growing, and reproducing—and how they illuminate the etheric connections between water, soil, and the farm organism.

    Through shared stories, reflective exercises, and observations, we’ll trace water’s journey—its arrival, flow, and departure—and its role in shaping vitality and balance. We’ll address challenges like soil degradation, microbiome loss, pollution, and climate extremes, while exchanging ideas to restore regenerative relationships between farms and watersheds.

  • 15 · Enlivened thinking to transform self, farm, and Earth · FR

    English, Francais | Holzhaus Atelier

    Olivier Clisson, Peter Kearney, Luca Monteillier

    This workshop strives to lead participants toward an enlivened perception of reality by combining methods from Goethe and Rudolf Steiner. Through group discussions, hands-on experiences with plants, and meditative processes, participants will begin to develop a sensitivity to the unity of life on Earth. 

    By engaging in enlivened thinking, participants will become more aware of the context of biodynamics and recognize how their lives, gardens, and farms are interconnected with the Earth as a living being.

    Une pensée vivifiée pour transformer soi-même, sa ferme et la Terre

    Cet atelier vise à guider les participants vers une perception vivifiée de la réalité en combinant des méthodes issues de Goethe et de Rudolf Steiner. À travers des discussions de groupe, des expériences pratiques avec les plantes et des processus méditatifs, les participants commenceront à développer une sensibilité à l'unité de la vie sur Terre.  

    En s'engageant dans une pensée vivifiée, les participants deviendront plus conscients du contexte de la biodynamie et reconnaîtront comment leurs vies, leurs jardins et leurs fermes sont interconnectés avec la Terre en tant qu’être vivant.  

  • 16 · Enlivening connection through seven life processes in community meal · 中文

    English, 中文 | Südatelier

    Chik Ying Chai, Mei King Song

    Our bodies aren't just owned by us, the soil, the trees, the clouds, the farmer… all the elements come together to bring about our bodies, which, like the earth, belong to the community and all other beings. With the evolution of mankind and the development of inner intellectual capacity, we in the present day have drifted away from this sense of 'we are all part of the whole', and the world is like a mystery to us, strange and unknown. How can we find the living connection once more? What are the opportunities lies within?


    Taking the transformative Seven Life Processes as a foundation, this 3-day workshop invite participants to experience inner connection with the life of the earth through meal sharing, food preparation, ingredients sensing, artistic practices, dialogue and reflection with a group of people. What do we do when we prepare meal together with others and why is it matter at this moment in human evolution? How can we relate to food on an energetic level and work with them dynamically from the many aspects central to life? How can we make a more profound connection with the breathing and rhythm of the earth through our food choices? How can art processes help us penetrate into the realm of etheric sphere and act as a transformative medium for our inner life of the soul and the earthly activities?

    Open heart, mindful observation, gentle self-enquiry, listening, dialogue and openness to participate are the key elements in this 3-day activity. Through exercising our head, hand and heart, this workshop is an invitation to explore how the process of working with the food and tasting with a community connecting us to the mystery and diverse source of life, and how it can become a path to generate freedom, understanding and love for healthier oneself, farm, communities, nature — our living earth as a whole.


    —透过社群膳食经验中的7 个生命过程联系地球生命体


    我们的身体并不只是自己所拥有,泥土,树木,云朵,农夫… 所有的元素聚合在一起带来了我们的身体,我们的身体就如大地,它也属于社会和所有其它众生。随着人类的进化和个人内在智慧的发展,当今时代的我们已逐渐远离了这种“我们都是整体生命的一部分”的意识,世界对我们来说就像一个谜,陌生而未知。我们该如何重新连接?这其中内蕴了什么契机?


    为期三天的“在味飨中相遇”工作坊,以转化性的7 个生命过程体验作为方法基础, 我们邀请参予者与社群伙伴一起透过膳食共享、餐前准备、食材感知、艺术练习、对话和反思,与地球生命体做内在连接。当我们与他人一起准备食物时,我们在经验什么?我们如何能在能量层面上与食物建立联系,并以生命力为核心与食物进行动态工作?我们如何透过食物选择与地球的呼吸和节律建立更深的联系?艺术过程如何帮助我们进入以太领域,并成为我们内在灵魂生活和世俗活动的转化媒介?



  • 17 · Cancelled

    English, Español

    Andrea D'Angelo, Richard Bryan Charity 

    This workshop has been cancelled, please choose a different workshop.

    Este taller ha sido cancelado, por favor elige un taller diferente.

    The development of the agricultural organism involves vital processes that need to be cultivated and observed throughout the year and through various agricultural practices. This process is complex, multifaceted, and unique to each situation, expressing itself differently across the diverse landscapes that make up the biomes. 

    In this workshop, we aim to create a space for sharing experiences and learning from the formation of individualized landscapes and their ongoing vital processes, particularly within the tropical and subtropical regions. Real examples from Latin American and Brazilian landscapes will provide practical insights into these dynamics.

    Procesos vitales como expresión del paisaje en diferentes biomas: una perspectiva del hemisferio sur

    El desarrollo del organismo agropecuario incluye procesos vitales que deben trabajarse y percibirse a lo largo del año y mediante diversas prácticas agrícolas. Este proceso es multifacético, diverso y específico para cada situación, manifestándose de manera diferente en los distintos paisajes que conforman los biomas. 

    En este contexto, queremos ofrecer un espacio para el intercambio de experiencias y aprendizajes sobre la formación de paisajes individualizados y sus procesos vitales continuos en las regiones tropicales y subtropicales, utilizando ejemplos reales de paisajes latinoamericanos y brasileños.

  • 18 · Cancelled

    English, Español

    Manfred Osterroht

    This workshop has been cancelled, please choose a different workshop.

    Este taller ha sido cancelado, por favor elige un taller diferente.

    The landscape as an open organism, enclosed only within itself as part of the planetary whole. How can we find traces of the seven life processes in the landscape? Breathing is visible in the pioneering planting of new areas. Warming and cooling serve as life-promoting balances. Nourishment manifests in the interrelationships between plants, as a product of community. Secretion emerges as an emancipation process from the direct connection between soil and cosmos. Maintenance and growth are reflected in the regeneration of damaged landscapes and express the four etheric forces. Reproduction occurs as an evolutionary process within the plant-animal-human community.

    Procesos vitales en el paisaje: El agua como mediadora entre el interior y el exterior

    El paisaje como organismo abierto, cerrado en sí mismo solo como parte del todo planetario. ¿Cómo encontramos rastros de los siete procesos vitales en el paisaje? La respiración se hace visible en la plantación pionera de nuevas áreas. El calentamiento y enfriamiento actúan como un equilibrio que promueve la vida. La nutrición se manifiesta en las interrelaciones entre plantas, como producto de la comunidad. La secreción emerge como un proceso de emancipación de la relación directa entre el suelo y el cosmos. La conservación y el crecimiento se reflejan en la regeneración de paisajes dañados y expresan las cuatro fuerzas etéricas. La reproducción ocurre como un proceso evolutivo dentro de la comunidad planta-animal-humano.

  • 19 · Applying the seven learning processes in teaching biodynamics · ES

    English, Español | Nordsaal

    Paz Bernaschina, Ambra Sedlmayr

    How can we gain an understanding of the seven learning processes in adult education? How can this understanding be applied in practice when developing a training program? What difference does it make if we approach learning with these processes in mind or not? What else is necessary? In this workshop, we aim to bring these questions to life through an experiential process.

    Aplicación de los siete procesos de aprendizaje en la formación biodinámica

    ¿Cómo podemos comprender los siete procesos de aprendizaje en la educación de adultos? ¿Cómo se puede aplicar esta comprensión en la práctica al desarrollar un programa de formación? ¿Qué diferencia hay si enfocamos el aprendizaje teniendo en cuenta estos procesos o no? ¿Qué más se necesita? En este taller, nuestro objetivo es dar vida a estas preguntas a través de un proceso experiencial.

  • 20 · Cancelled

    English, Español

    Bruno Follador

    This workshop has been cancelled, please choose a different workshop.

    Este taller ha sido cancelado, por favor elige un taller diferente.

    In this workshop, we will take a look at the seven life processes and how they unfold in the composting process.

    We will examine how we, in our role as co-creators alongside nature, can responsibly guide and support these processes. If weather permits, a part of this workshop takes place in the Goetheanum garden in the compost area.

    Reconociendo y guiando los 7 procesos vitales en la pila de compostaje

    En este taller, echaremos un vistazo a los siete procesos vitales y cómo se desarrollan en el proceso de compostaje.

    Analizaremos cómo nosotros, como agricultores y co-creadores con la naturaleza, podemos guiar y apoyar responsablemente estos procesos. Si el clima lo permite, una parte de este taller se llevará a cabo en el jardín del Goetheanum, en el área de compostaje.

  • 21 · Nutrition for the human being, the farm and the Earth

    English | Halde Besprechungsraum

    Anthony Mecca

    The seven life processes provide a framework for exploring the activities involved in both earthly and cosmic nutrition—for the human being, the farm, and the earth. Through brief presentations and practical exercises, we will immerse ourselves in experiences and imaginative reflections on these processes, examining nutrition within each of these three realms. This exploration aims to cultivate greater vitality and harmony in our inner lives, fostering deeper participation in the future of agriculture in service to the life of the earth.

  • 22 · The seven life processes and the qualities of care for universe, earth and people

    English | Glashaus Westkuppel

    Berni Courts, Ed Berger

    How can farmers observe and consciously enact Rudolf Steiner’s seven life processes, integrating the human qualities of care for the universe, the Earth, and humans?

    In this workshop, we will explore the relational aspects of each life process, translating them into qualities of care for the farm as a living organism.

    Ed Berger and Berni Courts, both biodynamic farmers, are dedicated to therapeutic education through their work at Ruskin Mill Trust schools and colleges. In this workshop, we will explore how Rudolf Steiner’s seven life processes can serve as a lens for observing and enhancing human care in all aspects of farm life. Our goal is to foster nourishing environments for human development, within the context of a thriving biodynamic agroecology. 

    This 3-day workshop adopts a multidisciplinary approach, incorporating practices such as observational exercises, rhythm work, drawing, and reflective group activities.

  • 23 · Biodynamic herbalism: Healing from living agricultural organisms · FR · IT

    English, Francais, Italiano | Konferenzraum

    Nadia El-Hage, Emanuele Tellini

    In this workshop, we begin on the first day to explore the transition from the static agricultural model of St. Benedict to the dynamic approach of Rudolf Steiner. The model proposed by St. Benedict, with the "Ora et Labora" rule, laid the foundation for the first botanical gardens or "gardens of simples" in the 6th century. This agricultural system, which persisted until the 1800s, aimed to recreate the movement of the seven planets as perceived through natural clairvoyance, establishing agricultural organisms as static representations of cosmic forces. Rudolf Steiner’s agricultural model, introduced in Koberwitz, takes this concept further by creating agricultural organisms that dynamically reflect the links and rhythms of cosmic time. In both models, we observe how the agricultural organism is brought to life through the harmony of the four elements (earth, water, air, and fire), manifesting through the first three vital processes: breathing, warming, and digesting. These processes reveal the image of the cosmos on Earth.


    On the second day, we explore the concept of the agricultural organism as an individualized living entity. This organism becomes the setting for the fourth vital process: individualization. For the human being, the agricultural organism provides a space for self-exploration and transformation, creating a place of connection between all living beings. Through this, the agricultural individuality emerges—a higher reality in agriculture.  

    In this second phase, the agricultural organism evolves beyond the synergy of cosmic rhythms, lunar movements, and the farmer's awareness. Individualization manifests through "Essentia" in the ever-changing life of the plant and through "Conscientia" in the flow of life in animals and humans.

    On the final day, we examine how the agricultural individuality, as the metamorphosis of the initial agricultural organism, moves through the last three vital processes: maintaining, growing, and reproducing. This evolution represents the synthesis and manifestation of all vital links and processes.  Biodynamic agriculture, while an effective method of farming, is also a path to greater awareness—a shift in perception. It shows us how the living agricultural organism becomes the expression of individual will, where the relationship between Heaven and Earth is actualized through the work of the biodynamic farmer. From this conscious cultivation, biodynamic herbalism arises. By working in harmony with the Earth and paying attention to cosmic rhythms, the Christic element acts through the plant, generating powerful forces that can heal and uplift the human being. Biodynamic herbalism is built upon this principle. 

    Herboristerie  biodynamique: guérison à partir d'organismes agricoles vivants.

    Dans cet atelier, nous commençons le premier jour par explorer la transition du modèle agricole statique de Saint Benoît à l'approche dynamique de Rudolf Steiner. Le modèle proposé par Saint Benoît, avec la règle "Ora et Labora", a posé les bases des premiers jardins botaniques ou "jardins de simples" au VIe siècle. Ce système agricole, qui a persisté jusqu'au XIXe siècle, visait à recréer le mouvement des sept planètes tel qu'il était perçu à travers la clairvoyance naturelle, établissant les organismes agricoles comme des représentations statiques des forces cosmiques. Le modèle agricole de Rudolf Steiner, introduit à Koberwitz, pousse ce concept plus loin en créant des organismes agricoles qui reflètent de manière dynamique les liens et les rythmes du temps cosmique. Dans les deux modèles, nous observons comment l'organisme agricole est animé par l'harmonie des quatre éléments (terre, eau, air et feu), se manifestant à travers les trois premiers processus vitaux : respirer, chauffer et digérer. Ces processus révèlent l'image du cosmos sur Terre.

    Le deuxième jour, nous explorons le concept de l'organisme agricole en tant qu'entité vivante individualisée. Cet organisme devient le cadre du quatrième processus vital : l'individualisation. Pour l'être humain, l'organisme agricole offre un espace d'exploration de soi et de transformation, créant un lieu de connexion entre tous les êtres vivants. À travers cela, l'individualité agricole émerge—une réalité supérieure en agriculture. Dans cette deuxième phase, l'organisme agricole évolue au-delà de la synergie des rythmes cosmiques, des mouvements lunaires et de la conscience du cultivateur. L'individualisation se manifeste à travers "Essentia" dans la vie en constante évolution de la plante et à travers "Conscientia" dans le flux de la vie des animaux et des humains.

    Lors du dernier jour, nous examinons comment l'individualité agricole, en tant que métamorphose de l'organisme agricole initial, progresse à travers les trois derniers processus vitaux : maintenir, croître et reproduire. Cette évolution représente la synthèse et la manifestation de tous les liens et processus vitaux. L'agriculture biodynamique, tout en étant une méthode de culture efficace, est également un chemin vers une plus grande conscience—un changement de perception. Elle nous montre comment l'organisme agricole vivant devient l'expression de la volonté individuelle, où la relation entre le Ciel et la Terre se réalise à travers le travail du cultivateur biodynamique. De cette culture consciente, l'herboristerie biodynamique émerge. En travaillant en harmonie avec la Terre et en prêtant attention aux rythmes cosmiques, l'élément christique agit à travers la plante, générant des forces puissantes capables de guérir et d'élever l'être humain. L'herboristerie biodynamique repose sur ce principe.

    Erboristeria biodinamica: guarigione da organismi agricoli viventi 

    In questo workshop inizieremo fin dal primo giorno ad esplorare la transizione dal modello agricolo statico di San Benedetto all'approccio dinamico di Rudolf Steiner. Il modello proposto da San Benedetto, con la regola dell' "Ora et Labora”, gettò le basi per i primi orti botanici o “giardini dei semplici” nel VI secolo. Questo sistema agricolo, che durò fino al 1800, mirava a ricreare il movimento dei sette pianeti percepito attraverso la chiaroveggenza naturale, stabilendo gli organismi agricoli come rappresentazioni statiche delle forze cosmiche. Il modello agricolo di Rudolf Steiner, introdotto a Koberwitz, compie un  ulteriore passo in avanti nella formazione dell'organismo agricolo attraverso una riproduzione dinamica dei legami e dei ritmi che caratterizzano il fluire del Tempo nel Cosmo. In entrambi i modelli osserviamo come l'organismo agricolo prende vita attraverso l'armonia dei quattro elementi (terra, acqua, aria e fuoco), manifestandosi attraverso i primi tre processi vitali: respirazione, riscaldamento e digestione. Questi processi rivelano l'immagine del Cosmo sulla Terra.

    Il secondo giorno esploriamo il concetto di organismo agricolo come entità vivente individualizzata. Questo organismo diventa lo scenario del quarto processo vitale: l'individualizzazione. Per l’essere umano, l’organismo agricolo diviene  uno Spazio di sperimentazione del sé dentro sé stesso, creando un luogo di connessione tra tutti gli esseri viventi. In questo modo si giunge ad una realtà agricola superiore : l’individualità agricola. 

    In questa seconda fase l'organismo agricolo attraverso la consapevolezza dell'agricoltore, la sinergia tra gli esseri viventi, i ritmi cosmici, i movimenti lunari compie la propria trasformazione. L'individualizzazione si manifesta attraverso la "Essentia" nella vita in continua evoluzione della pianta e attraverso la "Conscientia" nel flusso della vita negli animali e negli esseri umani.

    Nell'ultimo giorno esamineremo come l'individualità agricola, come metamorfosi dell'organismo agricolo iniziale, si muove attraverso gli ultimi tre processi vitali: mantenimento, crescita e riproduzione.Adesso ciò che si sviluppa al suo interno lo possiamo vedere come sintesi e manifestazione di tutti i legami e processi vitali. L’agricoltura biodinamica, oltre ad essere un metodo di coltivazione efficace, è anche un percorso verso una maggiore consapevolezza – un cambiamento nella percezione. Ci mostra come l'organismo agricolo vivente diventa espressione della volontà individuale, dove nel lavoro del contadino biodinamico sta proprio la croce del rapporto tra Cielo e Terra. E' da questa cosciente lavorazione della terra e dall'attenzione ai ritmi del Cielo che agisce quell'elemento cristico in grado di generare nella pianta una grande, potente forza in grado di togliere ed elevare la malattia nell'essere uomo. L’erboristeria biodinamica si erge su questa base.

  • 24 · Perceiving the biodynamic preparations · FR

    English, Français | Halde Saal

    Jean-Michel Florin, Eduardo Rincon

    As farmers we often wonder about the quality of our own biodynamic preparations. In this workshop we want to develop our perception skills to be able to focus on two preparations: Dandelion and Chamomile using the seven life processes as a guiding principle.

    Percevoir les préparations biodynamiques

    En tant qu'agriculteurs, nous nous interrogeons souvent sur la qualité de nos propres préparations biodynamiques. Dans cet atelier, nous souhaitons développer nos compétences de perception afin de pouvoir nous concentrer sur deux préparations : le pissenlit et la camomille, en utilisant les 7 processus vitaux comme principe directeur.

  • 25 · Education for a living Earth: Community farms as future schools · IT

    English, Italiano | Stiftung Trigon, Raum Landskrone Sicht

    Tobias Hartkemeyer, Cristiano Gazzola, Petra Vesela, Peter Vesely, Peter Guttenhöfer

    If humans and the Earth are to continue their shared evolution for the benefit of all, nature conservation and the proclamation of universal human rights alone are not enough. In various places around the world, efforts have begun to create and shape healing environments based on the principles of biodynamic agriculture and Waldorf education. In these environments, children can experience a form of "education for the living Earth," shaping their own development in harmony with the life processes of nature's beings. A wealth of experience has already been gathered, raising new questions about agriculture, education, health, community building, and fraternal forms of economy. The life processes will guide us as a methodological approach throughout the three days. We aim to share practical experiences from three places that are exploring new paths in different countries.

    Educazione per una Terra vivente: Fattorie comunitarie come scuole del futuro

    Se l'umanità e la Terra vogliono continuare la loro evoluzione comune a beneficio di tutti, la conservazione della natura e la proclamazione dei diritti umani universali non sono sufficienti. In diverse parti del mondo sono stati avviati progetti per creare e plasmare ambienti curativi basati sui principi dell'agricoltura biodinamica e dell'educazione Waldorf, dove i bambini possono vivere una sorta di "educazione per la Terra vivente", sviluppando la propria crescita in risonanza con i processi vitali degli esseri della natura. Ora si dispone di una vasta gamma di esperienze e sono emerse domande completamente nuove riguardanti l'agricoltura, l'educazione, la salute, la costruzione di comunità e le forme fraterne di economia. I processi vitali ci guideranno come approccio metodologico durante i tre giorni. Vorremmo condividere esperienze pratiche da tre luoghi che stanno sperimentando nuovi percorsi in diversi paesi.

  • 26 · An associative economy for a living Earth: Perspectives from Teikei · ES

    English, Español | Südsaal Rechts

    Hermann Pohlmann, Christopher Schürmann, David Akle

    The Teikei Initiative, together with its associated coffee farmers in Mexico, aims to be a practical field for a social sculpture—a pilot project for an intercontinental associative economy, a living process that resonates with the seven processes described by Rudolf Steiner. 

    Every human being is an artist. A comparison of the seven life processes with an expanded concept of art, as well as the seven petitions in the Lord's Prayer, is compelling. Similar to Friedrich Schiller's ideas in his Aesthetic Letters, the realms of material, play, and form (Stofftrieb, Spieltrieb, Formtrieb) will be explored in order to arrive at an idea of the highest art form—the Social Sculpture.

    What role do material, play, and form (Stoff, Spiel und Form) play in shaping this idea of a Social Sculpture? How can we explore material (Stoff), that which has come into being, as a foundation for the future Social Sculpture, serving as the substrate on which we work? How can we describe the role of play in our activities, and what form seeks to manifest itself as an expression of the spiritual world?

    In this workshop, we will use three arts to represent all the arts, with agriculture at the center as the middle path in the sculpture. On the first day, the workshop will begin with a clay sculpture exercise focused on breathing, warming, and digesting. On the second day, the focus will shift to agriculture as a musical artwork and a process of individualization. On the third day, an introductory eurythmy exercise will explore the areas of maintaining, growing, and reproducing.

    Una economía asociativa para una Tierra viva: Perspectivas desde Teikei CSA

    La Iniciativa Teikei, junto con los caficultores asociados en México, aspira a ser un campo práctico para una escultura social—un proyecto piloto para una economía asociativa intercontinental, un proceso vivo que resuena con los siete procesos descritos por Rudolf Steiner.

    Todo ser humano es un artista. La comparación entre los siete procesos vitales y un concepto ampliado de arte, así como las siete peticiones del Padrenuestro, resulta fascinante. De manera similar a las ideas de Friedrich Schiller en sus Cartas sobre la educación estética del hombre, se explorarán los ámbitos de la materia, el juego y la forma (Stofftrieb, Spieltrieb, Formtrieb) para llegar a una idea de la más alta forma de arte: la Escultura Social.

    ¿Qué papel juegan la materia, el juego y la forma (Stoff, Spiel und Form) en la configuración de esta idea de Escultura Social? ¿Cómo podemos explorar la materia (Stoff), aquello que ha llegado a ser, como base para la futura Escultura Social, sirviendo como el sustrato en el que trabajamos? ¿Cómo podemos describir el papel del juego en nuestras actividades y qué forma busca manifestarse como expresión del mundo espiritual?

    En este taller, utilizaremos tres artes para representar a todas las artes, con la agricultura en el centro como el camino medio en la escultura. El primer día, el taller comenzará con un ejercicio de escultura en arcilla centrado en la respiración, el calentamiento y la digestión. El segundo día, el enfoque se trasladará a la agricultura como una obra de arte musical y un proceso de individualización. El tercer día, una introducción a un ejercicio de euritmia explorará los ámbitos de mantener, crecer y reproducir.

  • 27 · Medicinal plants for animal health on the farm · IT

    English, Italiano | AfaP Kursraum 2

    Nitya Gotge, Sundeep Kamath, Sabrina Menestrina

    In this workshop, we address animal health on biodynamic farms.  Since the beginning of Agriculture, medicinal plants have been used for animal health on the farm. In addition to breeding and caring, the choice of natural medicine has multiple benefits of being economical, low possibilities of side effects, no residues in animal products and perseveration of indigenous knowledge on this subject. Indigenous knowledge is a part of our cultural heritage and this workshop will attempt to bring this millennium old knowledge along with modern research on the overall care of animals on our farms.

    Piante medicinali per la salute degli animali in fattoria

    In questo laboratorio, affrontiamo la salute degli animali nelle aziende biodinamiche. Fin dall'inizio dell'agricoltura, le piante medicinali sono state utilizzate per la salute degli animali in fattoria. Oltre alla selezione e cura degli animali, la scelta della medicina naturale offre molteplici vantaggi, come l'economicità, le basse possibilità di effetti collaterali, l'assenza di residui nei prodotti animali e la preservazione delle conoscenze tradizionali su questo argomento. Le conoscenze indigene fanno parte del nostro patrimonio culturale e questo laboratorio cercherà di unire questo sapere millenario con la ricerca moderna sulla cura complessiva degli animali nelle nostre aziende agricole.

Workshops in the Afternoon

6, 7, and 8 February  |  14:30 to 16:00

The 3-day afternoon workshops are open in terms of topics. They include artistic or meditative activities. Most workshops are offered in two languages.

  • 30 · All Actual Life is Encounter

    Deutsch, English | Halde Saal

    Petra Derkzen, Ueli Hurter, Engelhard Troll

    When we view the Earth as a living being, it expects not only technical solutions from us—such as how to address the climate crisis—but also our full participation as a partner in the development of a future-oriented culture of encounter.

    Martin Buber's "Dialogue Philosophy" understands human beings as fundamentally addressed by a "You" in their "I," connecting us to the Becoming of the Word. This perspective fosters the view of the human being as a "Beginner."

    In his 1927 book I and Thou, Buber distinguishes between an "I–You" world and an "I–It" world, a difference that reshapes the way we relate to the world—and to the Earth. This distinction has significant implications for the countless ecological and social issues we face today (Peter Selg).

    In this workshop, we will explore Buber’s ideas, originally developed on an interpersonal level, and examine how they can be applied to our understanding of the living being of nature.

  • 31 · Biodynamik als Geburtshilfe (Mäeutik) für die Ätherkräfte in Mensch und Erde

    Deutsch | Schweizer Landesgesellschaft

    Armin Bauer

    Rudolf Steiner beschreibt im Koberwitzer Kurs von 1924, wie bedeutsam die Planeten und deren Wirkungen für das Gedeihen der Pflanzen sind. Dabei unterscheidet er zwischen Kräften, die unter der Erde und über der Erde wirken. Diese Kräfte werden durch die Ernährung von der Erde auf den Menschen übertragen. Die biodynamischen Landwirte können diese Prozesse maßgeblich unterstützen, um dem Rückgang der Aufnahmefähigkeit der Erde für kosmische Einflüsse entgegenzuwirken.

    Im 21. Jahrhundert brauchen wir diese Lebenskräfte, um eine ausreichende geistige Präsenz gegenüber den absteigenden Kulturbereichen zu bewahren. Die biodynamischen Landwirte tragen damit zur höheren Ich-Geburt im Menschen bei. In dieser dreitägigen Arbeitsgruppe wollen wir versuchen, den Planeten nachzuspüren und sie meditativ zu erfahren.

  • 32 · Die Lichtwurzel: Pflanzenbetrachtung, Anbau und Verwendung

    Deutsch | Nordatelier

    Nicolai Schmidt, Noemi Boeken, Bettina Schleyerbach, Zheng Jing, Matthias Busl

    Durch Beiträge aus verschiedenen Fachgebieten und anschließende Gespräche soll eine umfassende Betrachtung der Lichtwurzel ermöglicht werden. Dabei werden unterschiedliche Anbaumethoden besprochen, ebenso wie hausärztliche Erfahrungen mit der Lichtwurzel. Zudem wird ihre Verwendung in der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin dargestellt. 

    Die gestaltbildenden Kräfte der Lichtwurzel wollen wir weiterhin durch eurythmische Übungen erfahrbar machen.

  • 33 · Agroforestry: Ways out of deficit agriculture within the boundaries of our planet

    Deutsch, English | Konferenzraum

    Roland Frutig, Lucky Mukasa

    Day 1: Basics of agroforestry – Working with the complexity of nature within the boundaries of our planet.

    Day 2: Water, carbon, and nutrient cycles in complex systems across different climate zones.

    Day 3: The economics of agroforestry; the four pillars of the economy – The transformation process, changing mindsets, and pathways towards resilience, illustrated with practical examples.

  • 34 · Im Malprozess erwachen für das Lebendige

    Deutsch | Südatelier

    Esther Gerster

    Diese Arbeitsgruppe widmet sich dem Malen mit Pastellkreiden. Die drei Einheiten sind vertiefend und an ihnen kann sowohl einzeln als auch fortlaufend aufbauend teilgenommen werden.

  • 35 · Peindre une plante médicinale à partir de l'expérience de son être de forces

    Deutsch, Français | Seminarraum

    Aurora Mächler, Markus Mächler

    Le premier jour commence par une courte introduction : que nous disent les couleurs de la nature ? Une brève observation goethéenne des couleurs suit, nous préparant au travail de peinture. À l'aide des couleurs des quatre éléments, nous réalisons ensuite, avec des craies pastel, le dessin d'une rose de Noël.

    Le deuxième jour est consacré à la plante en tant qu'être humain inversé, et nous nous penchons sur l'inversion de la direction des processus vitaux. Lors du travail de peinture, nous poursuivons l'élaboration du dessin en ajoutant les fleurs, l'environnement et en affinant les détails techniques.

    Le troisième jour, nous portons notre attention sur la plante dans l'espace de l'âme et les processus organiques dans l'organisme naturel. Pendant le travail de peinture, nous peignons à partir de notre expérience de l'environnement et finalisons le dessin de la rose de Noël. Ce cours est orienté non pas vers un résultat, mais vers une expérience. L'image sert de moyen pour vivre des expériences plus profondes.

  • 36 · Plant development from the future: An enhanced breeding process

    Deutsch, English | Glashaus Bibliothek

    Christina Henatsch, Markus Buchmann

    The workshop begins with an introduction to word meditation and the study of formative forces. Following this, participants will work with the mantra for the development of cultivated plants, which Rudolf Steiner passed on to Ehrenfried Pfeiffer via Stegmann. There will then be a presentation and discussion of the approaches that have been developed.

    To deepen the understanding of the method, results will be tasted using samples of grains, potatoes, and carrots. Finally, the demonstrated method will be applied in practice.

  • 37 · Rudolf Steiners Zukunftsappell an die Jugend in Koberwitz

    Deutsch | AfaP Kursraum 1

    Noel Norbron, Jiri Prachar, Simon Wiesner

    This working and practice group is guided by the following thought: "When we transform what we can know into reverence, new life can arise in every encounter of essence. In this life, we give divine beings the opportunity to become effective. In this way, we immerse ourselves in the reality of nature so that the life of our Earth is renewed." – Rudolf Steiner.

    To attune ourselves to this theme, we will take a look at Rudolf Steiner's work, "The Ways to the Lost Effective Forces of Nature," which can be found in Volume 217a of his collected works.

  • 38 · Planetary movements in eurythmy and the activity of the human organs

    Deutsch, English | AfaP Saal

    Ursula Steinke, Friedrich Edelhäuser

    Over the past three years, the Section for Agriculture has been reflecting on and working towards the centenary of the Agriculture Course. From the perspective of eurythmy, the focus has been on exploring cosmic movements and gestures in relation to the twelve zodiac sections, the twelve elements of earthly existence, and the human body (2023). The following year (2024) centered on researching the seven planets or wandering stars and their correspondences with the preparations, cereals, trees, and other elements.

    During the final conference of this trilogy, we will be studying planetary movements through eurythmy, linking them to the functioning of the inner organs in humans and the seven life processes in humanity and the world. The course follows a thought by Rudolf Steiner on the consumption of honey: "...And so we come to turn the knowledge of humankind into a knowledge of the cosmos...". The aim is to compare the seven life processes, the seven planetary movements, and the dynamic, rhythmic activity of the inner organs.

    Three different perspectives will play a key role:

    1. Understanding and grasping all existence is only possible by differentiating and structuring.

    2. To fulfill and maintain an earthly mission, the physical body must remain healthy.

    3. There is a law of development that states that the sorting out of good and bad is essential for the true and the good to flourish. Destruction and elimination enable renewal and growth.

    In our work, the distinctive nature of each planet, life process, and organ, when compared to one another, will provide an intriguing view of the whole and the planet Earth. Over three days, we will present insights from both medical and eurythmic perspectives, dedicating one-third of the time to discussions with the participants.

  • 39 · Experiencing the effect of food by Empathic Food Testing

    Deutsch, English | Holzhaus Rechts

    Jasmin Peschke, Julian Keller

    The Empathic Food Testing is a mindful food tasting method used to determine the effect on physical and emotional well-being. The perception of this effect promotes self-determination in personal nutrition. The observation goes beyond smell and taste, revealing another dimension of the character and quality of food. Anyone can recognise these effects with a little mindfulness and practice.

  • 40 · Biodynamics meets craftsmanship: Creating amulets with preparations

    Deutsch, English | Im Hof

    Irina Paparo, Kristina Boneva

    At the Sofera social farm in southern Bulgaria, social artists gather to deepen their interest in anthroposophy and integrate biodynamic methods into their work. The idea of shared workshops emerged through a close connection with Kristina Boneva. As a jewelry designer, she has developed her own distinctive style—creating unique pieces in meditative harmony with nature, using fragrant herbs, healing plants, stones, and metal.

    Inspired by the knowledge of biodynamic preparations, the concept for a collaborative workshop was born. Each participant designs their own amulet, using ingredients such as fragrant chamomile, yarrow, or valerian flowers, combined with oak bark or cow horn elements, rose quartz or amethyst, and adding a personal touch with dried rosebuds or pomegranate seeds.

  • 41 · Seed treatment in biodynamic vegetable breeding

    Deutsch, English | Holzhaus Links

    Uwe Geier, Ute Kirchgässer

    In this workshop, we examine the methods of seed treatment in biodynamic vegetable breeding with a focus on promoting ripening ability.

  • 42 · Spiritual composting as a destiny learning process

    Deutsch, English | AfaP Kursraum 2

    Paz Bernaschina, Hans Supenkämper

    How do I find my 'inner compost material'? Based on the seven life processes, the aim is to work on the transformation of one's own inner 'waste', weaknesses, and imbalances in an experiential and self-aware way, so that the formation of 'social humus' can occur through processes of inner transformation and individualization.

  • 43 · Joy as a capability for the future

    English | Ostsaal 4

    Barbara Bäumler

    In this workshop, we engage with the playful and creative interaction with the living through the movement of eurythmy.

    We meet each other in breath, light, warmth, rhythm, heaviness, and lightness. The course is open to everyone, whether new to eurythmy or already familiar with it.

  • 44 · Par l’Eurythmie, approcher les êtres élémentaires

    Deutsch, Français  | Ostsaal 1

    Gaëtane Fernex

    Dans ce groupe de travail d'eurythmie, nous souhaitons explorer la relation avec les êtres élémentaires et les défunts. Pour cela, nous inclurons des exercices portant sur l’espace intermédiaire entre les personnes ainsi que sur la gratitude et d'autres aspects.

  • 45 · Living Earth, living words through speech formation

    Deutsch, Englisch | Schreinerei Backofen

    Ursula Hofmann, Brigitte Kowarik

    In this workshop, we dedicate ourselves to speech formation. We incorporate improvisation and theater exercises to spark our joy in speaking.

  • 46 · Singing is the living connection between heaven and earth · Multilingual

    Multilingual | Terrassensaal

    Maria Rechsteiner

    In this workshop, we dedicate ourselves to singing together in a choir. All languages are warmly welcome.

    Dans cet atelier, nous nous consacrons au chant choral ensemble. Toutes les langues sont chaleureusement les bienvenues.

    En este taller, nos dedicamos a cantar juntos en un coro. Todos los idiomas son bienvenidos.

    In questo laboratorio, ci dedichiamo al canto corale insieme. Tutte le lingue sono calorosamente benvenute.


  • 47 · Working with the Valerian preparation: A look at tropical regions · ES

    Deutsch, English, Español | Glashaus Westkuppel

    Thorsten Arncken, Anita Maria Kreisl, Eliana Lattuca, Jürgen Momsen 

    Rudolf Steiner describes in the Agricultural Course that the prepared valerian flower imparts to fertilizers (slurry, manure, compost) the ability to interact correctly with phosphorus substances.  

    In this workshop, we will focus particularly on Valeriana officinalis and other species used in the valerian preparation. This will be done using the Goethean method, comparing it with related valerian species. On the second day of the course, we will experience the scent of various valerian flower juices. Painting scent images – symbolizing – will deepen our understanding of the efficacy and essence of valerian.  

    Key questions include: How can we cultivate valerian in tropical regions for use in biodynamic preparations? With great sensitivity, valerian has now successfully been brought to bloom in tropical regions of Brazil. Similarly, valerian flower preparations have been made in South America and India using other Valeriana species.  

    We are happy to initiate a seed exchange. Please bring dried valerian plants, photos, and valerian preparations with you.

    El Manejo del Preparado de Valeriana: Una Mirada a las Regiones Tropicales

    Valeriana officinalis, identificada por Rudolf Steiner como planta de preparación para mejorar el proceso del fósforo, ha sido investigada intensamente en los últimos años dentro de su familia botánica en Europa y Sudamérica, utilizando métodos fenomenológicos y goetheanísticos. Con gran sensibilidad, se ha logrado hacerla florecer exitosamente en regiones tropicales de Brasil. Además, se han realizado experimentos con otras especies de Valeriana en Sudamérica e India.

    Nuestro objetivo es obtener una visión general de las diferentes especies de Valeriana estudiadas, centrándonos en  Valeriana officinalis y otras especies utilizadas en términos de morfología, morfodinámica, así como su olor y sabor. Esta investigación también incluirá un enfoque meditativo y artístico, como la pintura, para ayudarnos a comprender el carácter único de cada especie vegetal.

    La pregunta clave sigue siendo: ¿Qué planta necesitamos para el proceso del fósforo y cómo podemos "cultivarla" en las regiones tropicales para nuestros fines? Otro aspecto importante es la posibilidad de intercambiar semillas. Por favor, traigan plantas de valeriana y preparados de valeriana para su examen conjunto.

  • 48 · Therapeutic eurythmy for bees · IT

    Deutsch, English, Italiano | Holzhaus Atelier

    Sabrina Menestrina, Mailin Wölki

    Rudolf Steiner found more frequent mention of the beehive than any other animal in his work. He describes the hive soul not as a common group soul, but as a special being belonging to a different era. Bees are beings that peer into our age, yet, due to their early presence, they are exposed to dangers for which they lack the maturity to defend themselves. 

    Therapeutic Eurythmy has developed new exercises to address this. We will also engage practically with the communities at the Goetheanum and provide sound sequences that can be performed to benefit the bees. This primarily concerns the environment in which they exist, where they fly, and where they carry out their essential work: specifically, the different layers in the air, known as flight spaces, where they must perform their vital tasks.

    How can we support bees etherically according to their nature? Eurythmy influences bees and their environment, sometimes calming, sometimes harmonising, sometimes stimulating. Together we move the archetypal development process of the worker bees in order to approach the questions: Can we increase the well-being of the bees in their sphere of life? How can we support them eurythmically in coping with their illnesses? We will also eurythmise and perceive directly with the bees at the Goetheanum.

    Euritmia terapeutica per le api

    Rudolf Steiner ha menzionato più frequentemente l'alveare rispetto a qualsiasi altro animale nelle sue opere. Descrive l'anima dell'alveare non come una comune anima di gruppo, ma come un essere speciale appartenente a un'epoca diversa. Le api sono esseri che scrutano la nostra epoca e, a causa della loro presenza precoce, sono esposte a pericoli per i quali non hanno la maturità per difendersi. 

    L'Euritmia terapeutica ha sviluppato nuovi esercizi per affrontare questa situazione. Lavoreremo anche in modo pratico con le comunità al Goetheanum e forniremo sequenze sonore che possono essere eseguite per il bene delle api. Questo riguarda soprattutto l'ambiente in cui si trovano, dove volano e dove svolgono il loro lavoro essenziale: specificamente, i diversi strati nell'aria, noti come spazi di volo, in cui devono svolgere i loro compiti vitali.

    Come possiamo sostenere le api etericamente secondo la loro natura? L’euritmia influisce sulle api e sul loro ambiente, a volte calmando, a volte armonizzando, a volte stimolando. Insieme muoviamo il processo di sviluppo archetipico delle api operaie per avvicinarci a queste domande: Possiamo aumentare il benessere delle api nella loro sfera di vita? Come possiamo sostenerle euritmicamente nell’affrontare le loro malattie? Faremo anche euritmia e percezione direttamente con le api al Goetheanum.

  • 49 · Experiencing the life of the Earth: Inner development and the biodynamic farmer

    English | Halde Besprechungsraum

    Anthony Mecca

  • 50 · Cancelled

    English | Holzhaus Rechts

    Alysoun Bolger, Konstanza Abouleish, Arizona Muse, Claudy Jongstra

    This workshop has been cancelled. Please choose a different workshop.

    The task of biodynamic agriculture is to feed, care for, and clothe human beings while working collaboratively with nature to revitalize the planet. Although the design aspects of clothing and interiors have not always taken center stage in agriculture, the way we dress and the designs that surround us have a significant impact on the planet. With good agricultural practices, that impact can be positive!

    This workshop will include both practical dyeing sessions (using biodynamic materials) and conversations that foster critical dialogues about how to provide textiles for people through biodynamic agriculture. At the same time, there will be discussions about the practical realities of scaling and upscaling textiles and how plant-based colors nourish the soul.

  • 51 · Perceiving enlivening and withering forces: A continuous, scalable process · FR

    English, Français | Halde Atelier

    Dominique Massenot

    The aim of this workshop is to deepen a global understanding of different living beings through three steps. The first step will focus on the forces acting in the plant and animal kingdoms. The second step will explore the processes assigned to the inner and outer planets by comparing the life cycles of plants and butterflies. The third stage will develop the connection with the theme of the seven processes of life.

    The same framework will be applied over the three days: there will be presentations, personal drawing on a common theme, and opportunities for pooling ideas and discussion.

    Percevoir les forces vivifiantes et flétriantes : un processus continu et évolutif

    L'objectif de cet atelier est d'approfondir la compréhension globale des différents êtres vivants à travers trois étapes. La première étape se concentrera sur les forces agissant dans les règnes végétal et animal. La deuxième étape explorera les processus attribués aux planètes intérieures et extérieures en comparant le cycle de vie de la plante et celui des papillons. La troisième étape développera le lien avec le thème des sept processus de la vie.

    Le même cadre sera appliqué pendant les trois jours : il y aura une présentation, des dessins personnels sur un thème commun, ainsi qu'un temps de mise en commun des idées et de discussions.

  • 52 · Water, life and interfluence in the Earth organism · FR

    English, Français | Glashaus Mittelraum

    Michael Monzies, Simon Charter

    If we are to make sense of life and wish to co-create with it, we need to cultivate holistic thinking in terms of interactive organisms. How can we bring to life the idea that all living beings are interconnected through water and are part of the Earth itself?

    Water, as a sensitive medium, has been explored through the work of Theodor Schwenk (in his book Sensitive Chaos and at the Institute of Flow Science) and more recently through revealed crystal images. Our challenge is to become ever more conscious of how life is woven together and to explore ways we can work with it to support the health of our gardens, farms, our own bodies, and the Earth as a whole.

    Water can be a profound teacher for us in this research. While water is not alive in the same way we are, it displays many—if not all—of the principles of life. It enables all life through its unique properties.

    In this workshop, we will explore some phenomena of flow and how they reflect life's activities. We will weave together an understanding of the fluid aspects of the Earth organism and discuss how dynamization can be done consciously, with peripheral forces acting into living organisms.

    Eau, vie et interfluence dans l'organisme terrestre

    Si nous voulons comprendre la vie et co-créer avec elle, nous devons cultiver une pensée holistique en termes d’organismes interactifs. Comment pouvons-nous rendre vivante en nous l’idée que tous les êtres vivants sont interconnectés par l'eau et font ainsi partie de la Terre elle-même ?

    L’eau, en tant que milieu sensible, a été étudiée dans les travaux de Theodor Schwenk (notamment dans son livre Le Chaos Sensible et à l'Institut de Science du Flux), ainsi que dans des études récentes sur les images cristallines.

    Notre défi est de devenir de plus en plus conscients de la manière dont la vie est tissée ensemble, et d'explorer comment nous pouvons œuvrer pour la santé de nos jardins, fermes, corps et de la Terre dans son ensemble.

    L’eau peut être un formidable enseignant pour nous dans cette recherche. Bien que l’eau ne soit pas vivante au sens où nous le sommes, elle manifeste de nombreux, sinon tous, les principes de la vie. Elle est l’élément fondamental qui permet à la vie d'exister, grâce à ses propriétés uniques.

    Dans cet atelier, nous explorerons certains phénomènes de flux et la manière dont ils illustrent les activités de la vie. Ensemble, nous élaborerons une vision des aspects fluides de l’organisme terrestre et discuterons de la manière dont nous pouvons dynamiser les organismes de manière consciente en travaillant avec les forces périphériques qui agissent sur eux.

  • 53 · Living with biodynamic preparations in the tropics · ES

    English, Español  | Ostsaal 3

    Harald Hoven, Andrea D'Angelo

    Having a living relationship with biodynamic preparations can be a significant challenge in the tropics, where it may not be possible to grow all the original preparation plants or where the animal materials are not available. What is needed to develop a long-term solution that eliminates the constant need to import essential components for preparation? As members of the international biodynamic movement, both practitioners from tropical and subtropical regions, as well as experienced preparation makers from temperate climates, should collaborate to find solutions to this global situation.

    We will begin on the first day with a look at the preparation plants discussed in the lectures on Agriculture as a phenomenological study. What is the habitat of these plants, and what do they need to thrive? 

    On Day 2, we will explore what lives in the tropics. How does it differ from life in temperate zones? What qualities characterize tropical landscapes? Which preparation plants would readily grow there? 

    On Day 3, we will consider what the future may hold. How can I begin my research? What is my inner work regarding these questions?

    We hope for fruitful collaboration that may lead to future partnerships. While this process will not yield quick fixes, it can stimulate exchanges and collaborative efforts worldwide, ultimately improving biodynamic practices related to preparations and raising awareness of future possibilities.

    Viviendo con preparados biodinámicos en los trópicos

    Comenzaremos el primer día con una mirada a las plantas de los preparados del Curso de Agricultura de Rudolf Steiner, abordándolas como un estudio fenomenológico. ¿Cuál es el hábitat de estas plantas y qué necesitan para prosperar?

    Día 2: percibiendo lo que vive en los trópicos. ¿En qué se diferencia de la vida en las zonas templadas? ¿Qué cualidades caracterizan los paisajes tropicales? ¿Qué plantas de preparados crecerían fácilmente allí?

    Día 3: ¿qué puede ser en el futuro? ¿Cómo puedo comenzar mi investigación? ¿Cuál es mi trabajo interior en relación con estas preguntas?

    Esperamos un fructífero trabajo conjunto que pueda conducir a futuras colaboraciones con los participantes. Ciertamente, no traerá soluciones rápidas, pero podría estimular intercambios y trabajos colaborativos en todo el mundo que mejoren las prácticas biodinámicas relacionadas con los preparados y nos hagan conscientes de las posibilidades en futuros caminos.

  • 54 · The harmony of the solar system organism

    English | Nordsaal

    Brian Keats, Sophia Montefiore

    This workshop explores the evolutionary thread of models of the solar system, tracing the journey from Claudius Ptolemy to Rudolf Steiner. The aim is to deepen our appreciation and understanding of Rudolf Steiner’s indications that are relevant to agriculture.

    Each session will include drawing and painting guided by Sophia.

    The models presented will highlight several key concepts, including the differences between inner and outer planets, the influence of cosmic events on plants, lemniscatory movements, and the streams of cosmic and earthly nutrition.

    Day 1: The workshop begins with a focus on Claudius Ptolemy and the transition from esoteric to exoteric astronomy. Ptolemy clearly illustrates the different relationships that the inner and outer planets have with the Sun. While agriculture lectures often refer to these planets, many practitioners tend to view them merely as being closer to or farther from the Earth. Ptolemy’s work emphasizes Earth's unique relationship to the Sun, detailing how Mercury and Venus, as inner planets, interact with the Earth-Sun dynamic, as well as how Mars and Saturn, as outer planets, relate to the Sun.

    Day 2: The second day delves into the contributions of Nicolaus Cusanus, Nicolaus Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, and Giovanni Cassini. This session highlights the harmonious interconnected movement of all celestial bodies within the infinite expanse of space.

    Day 3: The final day focuses on Rudolf Steiner's model of the solar system, emphasizing its lemniscatory movements. The workshop will revisit Earth’s unique relationship to the Sun and the dynamics of Mercury and Venus in relation to the Earth-Sun connection, as well as the interactions between Mars, Saturn, and the Sun. Additionally, this day will explore the relationship of these cosmic dynamics to the human being.

    Through this comprehensive exploration of the solar system's models, participants will gain a deeper understanding of how these celestial influences relate to agricultural practices and the natural world.

  • 55 · The Earth as a living being: Embracing ancient wisdom and modern practices · RU

    English, Русский | Südsaal Rechts

    Thangapandian Dhanikodi, Liia Ivanova, Anthoniselvi Savarimuthu

    Join us in this enriching workshop led by Thangapandian Dhanikodi, Liia Ivanova, and Anthoniselvi Savarimuthu. This workshop merges ancient wisdom with modern agricultural practices to foster a sustainable future.

    We will explore the evolution of agriculture from its Neolithic origins, tracing how early civilizations revered the Earth as a living entity. From Gaia in Greek mythology to Bhoomi Devi in Indian tradition, we will examine how these perspectives resonate with today’s environmental challenges.

    While modern advancements like the Green Revolution boosted food production, they often led to soil degradation and ecological imbalance. Our workshop advocates for solutions that rejuvenate soil health and restore the Earth’s vitality. By integrating biodynamic principles, fostering biodiversity, and promoting sustainable practices, we can embrace the Earth as a living being and cultivate a sustainable future for generations to come.

    We invite you to jointly explore these vital topics and participate in the movement towards a more harmonious relationship with our planet.

    Земля как живое существо: Объединение древней мудрости и современных практик

    Присоединяйтесь к нам на этот обогащающий семинар под руководством Тхангапандиана Дханикоди, Лии Ивановой и Антонисельви Саваримуту. Семинар объединяет древнюю мудрость с современными сельскохозяйственными практиками для создания устойчивого будущего.

    Мы изучим эволюцию сельского хозяйства, начиная с неолитической эпохи, проследив, как ранние цивилизации почитали Землю как живое существо. От Геи в греческой мифологии до Бхуми Деви в индийской традиции — мы рассмотрим, как эти взгляды перекликаются с современными экологическими вызовами.

    Хотя современные достижения, такие как Зелёная революция, способствовали увеличению производства продуктов питания, они часто приводили к деградации почвы и экологическим дисбалансам. Наш семинар предлагает решения, направленные на оздоровление почв и восстановление жизненных сил Земли. Путём интеграции биодинамических принципов, развития биоразнообразия и продвижения устойчивых практик мы можем принять Землю как живой организм и создать устойчивое будущее для последующих поколений.

    Мы приглашаем вас вместе исследовать эти важные темы и принять участие в движении к более гармоничным отношениям с нашей планетой.

  • 56 · Cancelled

    English, Italiano

    Carlo Triario, Marco Serventi, Alessandro Piccolo

    This workshop has been cancelled, please choose a different workshop.

    Questo workshop è stato cancellato, si prega di scegliere un altro workshop.

    The aim of the workshop is to collaboratively develop future modes of research and dissemination focused on the Biodynamic method. These modes will be aligned with the principles of spiritual science while maintaining rigor in natural sciences. Participants will be introduced to etheric observation exercises, and practices that promote effective communication within the community will also be proposed.

    Ricerca biodinamica - condividere i nostri studi attraverso riviste e comunità

    L'obiettivo del workshop è sviluppare insieme futuri modi di ricerca e diffusione focalizzati sul metodo biodinamico. Questi modi saranno allineati con i principi della scienza spirituale, mantenendo rigorosità nelle scienze naturali. I partecipanti saranno introdotti a esercizi di osservazione eterica e verranno proposte anche pratiche che promuovono una comunicazione efficace all'interno della comunità.

  • 57 · Walking the history of the living Earth

    English  |  Meet: South Entrance

    Jana Milbou

    In this activity, we will experience a Deep Time Walk. It is a meditative journey that represents the history of our Living Earth. It was developed by Stephan Harding, who collaborated with James Lovelock on the Gaia Theory, which views Earth as a living organism. The original walk spans 4.6 kilometers, symbolizing Earth’s 4.6 billion-year history. Each meter of the walk represents 1 million years, and each footstep corresponds to 500,000 years. Every millimeter represents 1,000 years. Along the way, participants pause at key points to highlight significant developments in Gaia’s story.

    This guided walk offers a powerful, embodied understanding of the immense scale of Earth's evolution and its deep interconnectedness with the cosmos.

  • 58 · Odes à la Terre-Mère · ES

    Français, Español  | Stiftung Trigon, Raum Landskrone Sicht

    Marion Haas, Stephane Cozon

    Composer une ou plusieurs odes à notre Mère, la Terre, Pachamama, en français et en espagnol, à travers un processus en trois temps : partage d'expériences et de vécus sur la Terre comme être vivant, créations individuelles de textes, puis création collective.

    Odas a la Pacha Mama

    Escribir una o más odas a nuestra Madre, la Tierra, Pachamama, en francés y español, a través de un proceso de tres pasos: intercambio de experiencias y vivencias sobre la Tierra como un ser vivo, creaciones individuales de textos y luego creación colectiva.

  • 59 · Dyeing with plants: Between darkness and light

    Deutsch, English  |  Schreinerei Gartenatelier

    Kathrin Bürklin, Rob Bürklin

    In this workshop, we dye textiles with plant-based colors. We will get to know the dye garden at the Goetheanum and will also harvest the dye plants ourselves.

    The research and application of plant dyes has a long tradition at the Goetheanum, inspired by many ideas from Rudolf Steiner, including concrete suggestions on how to produce them. For example, the ceiling painting in the Main Auditorium of the Goetheanum was painted using pigments derived entirely from plants.

    At the Goetheanum's horticultural garden, it is possible to experience the entire cycle of plant dyeing: from cultivating the plants to dyeing textiles made from silk, wool, or cotton. In this workshop with Kathrin and Rob Bürklin, we will harvest the dye plants ourselves and prepare them for dyeing. In the process, we will learn how the plants feel, smell, and which part of the plant contains the desired dye.

Afternoon Break

6 and 7 February  |  16:15 to 16:50

During the afternoon breaks, you can participate in various performances, tours, and activities.

  • Performances from the biodynamic movement

    Multilingual  |  Main Stairs, 1st Floor

    Young people in the biodynamic movement

    This year's scholarship holders present their biodynamic initiatives and the cultures of their countries. We look forward to vibrant artistic performances featuring music, poetry, dance, or folkloric elements from different continents.

    The performances take place on the middle floor in the west staircase. You can participate directly without prior registration.

  • Poster Presentations

    Multilingual | North Gallery

    Poster exhibition and presentations

    During the afternoon break, various initiatives and farms present their posters. You can find the poster exhibition in the North Gallery, between Foyer and the Terrassensaal. No registration is required.

  • Breathing with the Calendar of the Soul · 中文

    English, 中文  |  Terrassensaal

    Chik Ying Chai

    Hear it, move it, picture it, speak it and live it! Let us dedicate ourselves to experience an inner connection with The Calendar of the Soul verse by Rudolf Steiner through recitation, movement, contemplation and dialogue. Let us open up a door to the new year breathing with our earth!  

    呼吸之美 •《心灵周历》


  • Biodynamics during the Nazi Era

    Deutsch, English  |  Foyer, Booth 8

    Michael Olbrich-Majer

    On behalf of Demeter e.V., the Biodynamic Federation Demeter International, and the Section for Agriculture, the independent researchers Dr Jens Ebert, Dr Susanne zur Nieden, and Meggi Pieschel investigated the connections between biodynamic farmers and Nazi organisations. What motivations shaped their behaviour during the dictatorship?

    The results of this research have now been published in the book: “Die biodynamische Bewegung und Demeter in der NS-Zeit. Akteure – Verbindungen – Haltungen” ("The Biodynamic Movement and Demeter During the Nazi Era: Practitioners – Connections – Attitudes"), Metropol, 2024.

    Michael Olbrich-Majer, Head of the Department of Agricultural and Nutritional Culture at Demeter e.V. and editor of the journal “Lebendige Erde,” will present the study and be available for discussions.

  • Goetheanum-Führung auf Deutsch

    Deutsch  |  Treff: Haupteingang

    Ein geführter Rundgang durch den Goetheanum-Bau in deutscher Sprache. Bitte tragen Sie sich in die Anmeldeliste am Infotisch ein, wenn Sie an dieser Führung teilnehmen möchten.

  • Guided tour of the Goetheanum in English

    English  |  Meet: Main Entrance

    A guided tour of the Goetheanum building in English language. Please sign up on the registration list at the information desk if you would like to take part in this guided tour.

  • Visite guidée du Goetheanum en français

    Français  |  Réunion : entrée principale

    Une visite guidée du bâtiment du Goetheanum en français. Si vous souhaitez participer à cette visite guidée, veuillez vous inscrire sur la liste d'inscription à la table d'information.

  • Visita guiada al Goetheanum en español

    Español  |  Encuentro: entrada principal

    Visita guiada al edificio del Goetheanum en español. Si desea participar en esta visita guiada, inscríbase en la lista de inscripción del mostrador de información.

  • Visita guidata del Goetheanum in italiano

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    Visita guidata in spagnolo dell'edificio del Goetheanum. Se desiderate partecipare a questa visita guidata, siete pregati di iscrivervi alla lista di registrazione presso il banco informazioni.

Preparation for the Conference

Lectures by Rudolf Steiner

The current Michael Letter:

Rudolf Steiner: Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts, GA 26. Michaels Task in the Sphere of Ahriman. Leading Thoughts 106-108.

On the seven life processes and life functions:

Rudolf Steiner: Anthroposophy. A Fragment. GA 45. 4th Lecture.

On the twelve sensory domains and seven life processes:

Rudolf Steiner: The Riddle of Humanity: The Spiritual Background of Human History. GA 170. 7th Lecture.

On the Earth as an ensouled, living organism:

Rudolf Steiner: The Cycle of the Year as a Breathing Process of the Earth and the Four Great Festivals. GA 223. 1st Lecture.

Publications on the theme

Karl König: Living Physiology. 12 Senses and the 7 Life Processes. More information

Coenraad van Houten, Sophie Pannitschka:
Awakening the Will: Principles and Processes in Adult Learning. More information

Philipp Gelitz, Almuth Strehlow:
The Seven Life Processes: Understanding and Supporting Them in Home, Kindergarten and School. More information

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