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Visiting the Goetheanum

In 2025, the Agriculture Conference offers guided tours of the Goetheanum building in various languages. Additionally, we have extended visiting hours for the Goetheanum and various exhibition spaces. You are also warmly invited to attend a brief welcome session in the main conference languages, where we will give you an orientation of the conference structure and the campus. 

Guided Tours

The guided tours take place during the afternoon break on 6 and 7 February, from 16:15 to 16:50. On both days, tours will be available in German, English, French, Spanish, and Italian. 

If you would like to participate, please sign up on the list at the information desk, as the number of participants is limited. The tours will start at the West Entrance and end in front of the Main Auditorium, ensuring you can attend the following plenary session on time. 

Special Opening Hours

Public visiting time of the Main Auditorium

Daily: 13:30 - 14:30 

Exhibition Room with Wooden Sculpture

5 February: 13:30 - 15:30 

6 February: 13:30 - 15:30 

7 February: 13:30 - 16:00 

8 February: 10:00 - 12:00 and 13:30 - 16:00 

Model of the First Goetheanum

5 February: 13:30 - 14:30 

6 February: 13:30 - 14:30 

7 February: 13:30 - 16:00 

8 February: 13:30 - 16:00 

Studio & Rudolf Steiner Atelier 

5 February: 13:30 - 14:30 

6 February: 13:30 - 14:30 

7 February: 13:30 - 15:30 

8 February: 13:30 - 14:30 

Welcome and Orientation in Various Languages

Conference attendees are warmly invited to attend a brief welcome session in their respective language. An orientation will be provided on the conference structure, the campus, and the locations of the different buildings and seminar rooms.


English-speaking conference attendees are warmly invited to join a welcome and orientation session in English language. You will receive a brief introduction to the conference structure, to the campus, the different buildings and the locations of rooms and facilities. The session takes place on 5 February from 14:30 to 14:45. Please come to the Konferenzraum.


Les participants francophones à la conférence sont chaleureusement invités à participer à une session d’accueil et d’orientation en français. Vous recevrez une brève introduction à la structure de la conférence, au campus, aux différents bâtiments et à l’emplacement des salles et des installations. La session aura lieu le 5 février de 14h30 à 14h45. Veuillez vous rendre au Ostsaal 1.


Los asistentes hispanohablantes a la conferencia están cordialmente invitados a participar en una sesión de bienvenida y orientación en lengua española. Se les presentará brevemente la estructura de la conferencia, el campus, los distintos edificios y la ubicación de las salas e instalaciones. La sesión tendr á lugar el 5 

de febrero de 14:30 a 14:45. Acuda al Ostsaal 2.


I partecipanti alla conferenza di lingua italiana sono caldamente invitati a partecipare a una sessione di benvenuto e orientamento in lingua italiana. Riceveranno una breve introduzione alla struttura della conferenza, al campus, ai diversi edifici e all’ubicazione delle camere e delle strutture. La sessione si terrà il 5 febbraio dalle 14:30 alle 14:45. Si prega di venire al Seminarraum.


我们热忱地邀请中文参会者参加特别组织的中文欢迎会。我们将向您简要介绍会议日程、园 区布局、不同的建筑,以及房间和设施的位置。欢迎会将于2月5日14:30至14:45举行。请前 往›Terrassensaal›参加。


Nederlandstalige conferentiegangers worden van harte uitgenodigd voor een welkomst- en oriëntatiesessie in het Nederlands. Je krijgt een korte introductie over de structuur van de conferentie, de campus, de verschillende gebouwen en de locaties van de zalen en faciliteiten. De sessie vindt plaats op 5 februari van 14:30 tot 14:45 uur. Kom naar het Terrassensaal.

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