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Festive Evening with Miha Pogacnik

Works by Johann Sebastian Bach

7 February, 19:30 | West Staircase

Miha Pogacnik will host the festive evening of the Agriculture Conference, performing three solo sonatas and the Chaconne by Johann Sebastian Bach. The Chaconne is the final movement of the renowned five-movement Partita No. 2 for Violin in D Minor. The arrangement of the pieces follows the four steps outlined in the Foundation Stone Meditation. 

All conference guests are warmly invited to this classical concert, held in the West Staircase of the Goetheanum. With its unique architecture, the West Staircase offers an extraordinary acoustic experience that brings out the beauty of J.S. Bach's works in a special way. 

Please note, the West Staircase cannot be seated, so guests are kindly asked to take their places on the steps below and above the middle floor. 

The Festive Evening begins at 18:30 with a dinner buffet. At 19:30, the program divides into two parts. The classical segment features Miha Pogacnik’s concert in the West Staircase, performing works by Johann Sebastian Bach. The folkloric segment takes place in the Schreinerei Hall and includes traditional music and dance. Guests are invited to enjoy one or both parts of the evening according to their preferences.

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